Friday, January 17


The simple, day-to-day task of walking down stairs wasn't anymore. I was able to shake off that sore feeling while I was walking because, if I didn't, the dull pain would totally control my thoughts. Yet when I felt my foot pass the level ground and reach a mere half a foot further down, my quadricep panicked. My leg quivered in fear of any further tension of an already over stretched muscle, threatening to seize at any moment. This continued from the moment my foot lifted off of the ground until I hit the surface of the next step, and repeated this about twenty times whenever the stairs had to be traversed today.

This is the pain of working out; of not stretching ever because of some fictional pride issue; of not thinking through the consequences of actions. There was swim practice the past two mornings, but this being about the third month of the season that couldn't hurt me this badly. There was the run I so hurriedly completed yesterday, in an attempt to have completed something worthwhile that day. That's the most likely reason for this overarching, general fatigue, especially since I passed off stretching as an unnecessary habit. There was also the dryland workout right before practice, which is especially not helping my core and legs with all of the squats and lunges our coach so gleefully provided us.

Tangent - My outline sheet for this blog post (consisting of precisely 29 words) notes that I should try to tie this paragraph back to the reader, probably so that I'll get people to read what I publish or something along those lines. But it's almost 4 o'clock, which is late even for me, and this whole blog is more of a personal journal that I'm willing to allow others to view anyways (see: Motivation for sparse details), so I don't really care. Sorry outline.

I guess fatigue did work out in my favor today. It allowed me to fall immediately into a nap, one of my favorite things since the phrase "since sliced bread" was doomed to the literary doldrums of cliché. Fatigue also gave me the idea for tonight's blog post, which was good. But alas, fatigue is beginning to hit me yet again, so I bid you all good morning.

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