Wednesday, July 31


Now for the hard part: actually blogging.

I think my posts, going forward, are going to be in a stream-of-conscious style. For example: this article was actually going to try to talk about the shallowness of a postmodern society. But then I realized that 1) I didn't fully grasp the concept from the start and 2) postmodern is a pretty stupid term for a time-period.

Modern: of, or pertaining to, present and recent time. (Thank you

That would make postmodern "of, our pertaining to, the future", correct? (Wait, this is MY blog! Of course I'm right!) So how do you describe a current time period as one in the future?

I digress.

Remember that cutesy allusion to Taylor Swift's "22" yesterday? Postmodernism.

When you hum the Luna phone number hook? Postmodernism.

When Jay-Z uses a lyric from one of the shallowest lyricists of all time, REM? You guessed it!

Hey, I've been born and raised in this materialistic society. I even break out a song lyric corresponding to the small-talk of the day from time to time. Doesn't mean I dislike it any less.

A favorite quote of mine, courtesy of the transcendentalist philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson, is, "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."

So how do we achieve this in such an impressive culture? Well, simply, we don't. It's akin to Christianity's view of sin. You're going to be biased towards a product, environment, and/or idea at some point, but the goal is to have that affect your actions and views as little as possible.

(End example)

Well, take what you will out of this post, I promise I'll try to be more on point tomorrow.

Also, if anyone wants to look over my posts with me (before I send them out to the never-ending sea of criticism called the internet), please let me know.


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